Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Teaching 4 Types of Staccato: Piano Lab Tutorial and Free Printable

Staccato and Legato are two basic articulations that most piano students learn.  What if you were only allowed to play piano and forte, with no crescendos  or variations?  Instead dynamics in music have many different levels (pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff).  Staccato articulation has several different levels as well.

4 Types of Staccato on the Piano

Watch Graham Fitch's 4 Types of Staccato Tutorial Video  to hear examples of how and when to play varying levels of staccato and complete the "Four Types of Staccato Worksheet." 

Finger Staccato or Staccatissimo 1:50 

Pluck the finger at the knuckle joint where your fingers meet your hand.  Imagine you are wiping specks of dust off the keys with your fingertip or plucking a harp string.

Photo by Tadas Mikuckis on Unsplash

Wrist Staccato 2:35

 Bouncy wrist, firm fingers, movement from the wrist hinge (where your hand meets your arm) similar to bouncing a basketball.
Teaching Wrist Staccato with Basketball Dribble
Photo by Jed Villejo on Unsplash

Forearm Staccato 3:20

Wrist and fingers firm, movement from the elbow hinge allows you to use more arm weight to play the keys.  Imagine giving a quick hand slap or high five.

Back/Shoulder Staccato 4:05

The back and shoulder move energy into the bottom of a the keys like a springy jackhammer or kneading bread dough quickly.
Teaching Piano Staccato Shoulder/Back Staccato is like Kneading Bread Motion
Photo by Theme Photos on Unsplash

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