Blue Stone in A Major from Wunderkeys Intermediate Pop 2 Performance Bookis a calm expressive piece that includes many flowing 1-5-8-9-10 left-hand patterns and some rolled chords.
- Practice the left-hand broken chord groups "block style" to gain automaticity shifting up and down between chords groups with ease.
- If you are unfamiliar with rolled chords watch this quick video about arpeggiated chords
- Adding lyrics to a piece can be helpful because it makes the distinct rhythms of the phrases more memorable.
- If this piece had lyrics, what would it say to you?
Although this piece has no religious themes, it brought excerpts from some of my favorite scriptures (Isaiah 1:18, Helaman 5:12, D&C 6:36) to my mind that I loosely strung together to create the following lyrics for the first page.
"Look unto me in every thought. Look unto me and cast your doubts and fears aside.
Look unto me and ye shall find rest. And when the storms shall beat upon you, you can trust The Rock.
I will take your hand I will guide you home. I will make your sins though scarlet be as wool.
I will take your hand, I will guide you home; back to The Father where he waits with open arms."
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