Monday, May 27, 2024

Rhythm Ear Training Game Capture the Stars

 One of my piano students' favorite new games to play this year at piano lessons is Teach Piano Today's Don't Catch Cats!" When I first introduced it at group lessons, some creative piano students decided to choose crazy names for each of their pet cats or dogs which was accompanied by plenty of laughs and giggles. 

Since I teach students on a variety of levels, I wanted a game with simpler rhythms for new beginners and a challenging game for more experienced students. 

I quickly pulled out my stash of free multi-level rhythm patterns from Layton Music and repurposed them by adding some star stickers on random cards so students could play an appropriate level game of "Don't Catch Cats (aka "Capture the Stars") while practicing clapping and identifying rhythm patterns by ear. Instead of avoiding the cats they get rewarded for having the most star cards at the end of the game.

I love how just adding a simple image to "boring" rhythm practice cards can ramp up the fun!

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