The inspirational power of music is tied to some of my earliest memories singing worship songs in church during Primary as a child. I have long forgotten the text of Sunday school lessons that I heard so long ago, but the text and sermons of the music are still deeply embedded in my mind and often spark fond memories and emotions when I hear them.
When I opened the gospel library app with the curriculum for 2020, I was happy to see that the new home centered gospel learning lessons for 2020 for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints include a weekly suggested song that correlates with the "Come Follow Me" lesson material. In 2019 our family study of the New Testament helped me to gain a greater appreciation for the earlier followers of Jesus including Paul, Peter and John and this year will focus on another testament of Christ, The Book of Mormon, which includes the inspiring stories of followers of Christ who immigrated to America 600 years before his birth, and whose descendants were later blessed by Christ's visitation following his resurrection.
I compiled and printed simplified versions of many of the monthly songs for my piano students as a Christmas gift and plan to highlight teaching tips and freebies throughout 2020 that correlate with the music. I don't expect students to learn every weekly song, but giving them access to familiar music with a purpose will hopefully motivate them to learn some songs they can use to accompany their family singing time, stretch their sight reading skills or help them see the purpose behind the chords even if they are simply using chord symbols to provide the backdrop of harmony.
This is wonderful Heidi. I have used the music from Layton Music over the years but appreciate your links to plan for the year with Come Follow Me. Did youo primarily just use the list from the church website where I found The Iron Rod?