Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Summer Piano Group Synergy

Group lessons are one of my favorite aspects of piano teaching!  I love the synergy of gaming and the sense of accomplishment students exhibit as they perform for each other on a regular basis.

This month our group lesson included Caterpillar Crawl, Music Candyland, Music Jenga,  Toss Note and Technique Pattern Bingo.  Following are some at home activities that students can try to extend the learning of the concepts we introduced or reviewed at group lessons.

 Caterpillar Crawl (first half)- Piano Technique Motions (wrist circles, staccato bounces and float-offs)

Purpose: Develop Loose Flexible Wrist Gestures for playing arpeggios, staccatos and float-off phrase endings, Identify Musical Form, Exposure to Classical Pieces

Extend the Learning:
  • Watch this shortened Melody Street version of Mozart's "Rondo alla Turca." Listen and move as you hear the bicycle pedal (wrist circles), jump rope (staccato wrist bounces) and  swim (float-off) sections in the music.

Music Candyland - Note Names on the Staff and Keyboard
Purpose: Quickly Identify Note Names on the staff and keyboard and review music symbols.
Extend the Learning:

  • Try the Peda Plus "FlashNotes" or "FlashNotes Keyboard" note naming games on your computer or iPad and try to beat your own record.

Jenga -
Purpose:  Identify Theory Terms & Rhythm Patterns

Extend the Learning:
  • Try a level of Quizlet "Flashcards" or "Match" on your computer by following these links

Toss-a-Note - Note Names and Intervals
Purpose: Quickly Identify  Note Names on the Staff, Measure Intervals on the Staff
Extend the Learning: 

Technique Pattern Bingo 
Purpose: Identify Scale, Arpeggio, Interval and Chord patterns by ear
Extend the Learning:

  • Sing along as you play your technique patterns during your home practice. (Chord Progression Please - I-IV-I-V-I, Scaling up the Keys-pentascale, etc.)

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