Teaching piano is one of my favorite things to do! I love to engage students in the 4 Arts of Music including reading, composing, arranging and improvising and ignite their love of music through a well rounded and fun curriculum!
Each 1 hour lesson includes 30 minutes private instruction and 30 minutes piano lab (or 20 private/20 partner/20 lab for buddy lessons). For lab, students use internet games, music software, iPad apps, etc. to engage in theory and rhythm activities (see spicing up piano), technique instruction, sight reading and a review of materials from previous lessons.
In buddy lesson time students play theory games, duets and improvise together.
Group lessons are held in lieu of private lessons once a month (see group lesson plans and inspiration) and consist of activities and games which reinforce concepts taught during private lessons. Group lessons also provide students the opportunity to perform pieces for each other during a “mini-recital.”
The Piano Quest for Virtues is just one of the many Practice Incentive Themes I have used with my students to inspire excellence.
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