
Friday, June 28, 2024

Bastian Lit 1: Sonatina Spindler 157 #1 and Modulation

This post includes lesson plans and activities that correlate with  Sonatina Allegro by Fritz Spindler in Bastian Piano Lit Volume 1.

Bastian Piano Lit 1 Lesson Plans

Music Samples and History

Sonata-Allegro Form

A sonatina is a shorter simpler form of music similar to a sonata and is typically played on keyboard instruments with a predictable pattern. 
Exposition - The introduction of the musical theme is called the exposition. 
Development - Often the theme then modulates or moves to different key.
Recapitulation - At the end of the movement the music returns back home to the original tonic key.

Watch the Sonata Allegro Form Video to learn more about the musical form of Sonatinas and hear music samples.

This post includes lesson plans and activities that correlate with  Sonatina Tarantella (Vivace) by Fritz Spindler in Bastian Piano Lit Volume 1.

Sonatina Vivace Tarantella by Fritz Spindler (Bastian Piano Lit Volume 1)

A tarantella is an fast Italian dance in 6/8 time. Watch a clip of the video below to see some of the dance steps.

Romantic Era Intro Video

Emotion and Story

Types of Modulation Intro Video

Modulation can revive interest in a piece
Phrase Modulation - Abrupt like Changing Lanes Suddenly
Common Tone Modulation - A flat to G#

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