
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Piano Preschool Lapbooks

Piano Preschool Lapbook Cover with music rhythms and notes
Teaching Piano to Children with Piano Preschool Lapbook including Music Alphabet, Finger Numbers, Rhythm
After reading the post about piano lapbooks on Laura Lowe's blog , I decided to create my own preschool piano version to send home with my piano preschoolers. I let them decorate the covers with various musical symbols. Inside are pockets for Music alphabet/finger # and symbol flashcards from (Faber primer flashcards). I also included a laminated mini rhythm pizza (see and colorful piano for them to play Susan's Snowflake and Shamrock Keys games on. The back cover had a laminated Grand Staff which they can use for "M&M's stepping on the staff" game.


  1. Someone please make this into a kit and could buy and download!!!!

  2. I was reading this post and wondering, do you teach preschoolers? All of my students are 7 and older but I was recently asked to teach a 3 (almost 4) year old and a 5 year old. I'm not sure what to do with the 3 year you have any suggestions or resources that you would be willing to share? I know you're probably very busy but if you have time I could really use some advice! Thank you! Amanda

  3. I am taking on a 6 year old next week...I am making this awesome lapbook. I also have used ideas from Joy Morin (Color in my Piano blog) and Susan Paradis (
